the track / cartel this is part #1 of a work in progress,
allready closed,
leading to part #2:
"the quest" (coming soon)
"So, the contemporary meaning of cartel as an agreement between business
partners has covered over significations of cartel as concerned with quarrelling, with
necessary continual disagreement." ("Cartels in Lacanian Psychoanalysis",
Ian Parker, 2005)

+) Note #1 (first
+) Note #2 (some local
+) Note #3 (roles,
intentions etc.)
+) Note #4 (tyranny,
elaborated codes and media-systems)
+) break (time of reflecting)
+) Last Note on the Cartel
+) Sources (books, movies)
+) Road to Omarska (contribution)
+) da ist ein schweigen in omarska
+) woodsteelhayhoneymilk
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