log #269: the
omarska-cartelTyranny cannot set one guardsman for every victim. It takes a
cultural system to rise and establish tyranny, to reserve power for a minority. It takes
elaborated codes and media-systems to run this business. It is a matter of technology and
adequate media savvy, media literacy, adapted from ideology.
Condensed: Tyranny is a big narration, equipped
with weapons and tools for torture. If that is true, it should be possible to block up the
rising of tyranny with cultural instruments.
Gleisdorf, the 11th of March 2010. I had taken
seat beside Christoph Stak, mayor of the City of Gleisdorf, after the opening related to
the project "63 Years after". I was invited to join a round table with
participants like artist Jochen Gerz and art historian Werner Fenz. My statement was not
just on that project, but on the whole context, we got to take care for.

Artist Jochen Gerz (left)
and art historian Werner Fenz
There are no instances or authorities in our
society to provide ongoing public debates on the aspects I am focused at. It is not only
about fascism and its consequences. It is not only about history and our
responsibility as a nation. Artists, not all of them, but many of them, share a permanent
work on what was not invented by the Nazi, what has not vanished with the Nazi-government:
We tend to take part of tyranny, to drift, to
become followers, because there is a promise of benefit for followers, based on robbery
and assasination of others. So we have to learn how to read and understand the codes of
tyranny. Tyranny of theses days does not depend on the Nazi emblematics and it does not
need any SA-savages in the streets.
There are different tools. Most of them are
media-based, are a modern way of propaganda. Its not just do deconstruct, but to
decipher those codes and to recognize the tasks of tyranny.
It is not my business as an artist to do so, but
the practice of fine arts lets me gain competences to do so as a citizen. Of course
there is some influence on my artistic work, being set in a context like that ...
So this is one of my reasons to take part of this
"Omarska-Cartel". Without any experience like that I often asked: What
happens, when they come for you and what happens, when they got you? There seems to
be one clear thing: They start to turn you into "non-human". (Maybe
this ist a crucial point!)

The citation means: "There
are moments in which human has a certain knowledge. This awareness sleeps in us and when
it awakes, it comes in waves. You can feel it by the calmness, interrupted only by the
nervous breath. Fearful I felt the evil to come, somtehing never seen before ..."
Jadranka Cigelj wrote this in "Appartment
102 OMARSKA" [sources].
I was really shocked while rading a report on weeks as a victim in Omarska; shocked and
moved, how this impressing woman did it in an elegant way, guarded style, partly poetical,
describing what happened there.
[the cartel]
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