log #217: the trackThere
are two options: A big gesture, The right place. There is allways something behind the
curtain. Nothing to unveil. Just initiate a consequence! Dont't ask, how far to go.
Sometimes it is the moment to set a
mark, when I feel free to pull the camera and take a picture. This is it:

The scribble on the paper and the
hand oft artist Milica Tomic. It was the afternoon of december the 12th 2009. One or two
hours later the pack has been set. (I will tell you once what for, but not yet.)
I am mad about movies. Cause I am
mad about looks. Cause my eyes are weak. As we were heading Vienna to meet Milica, there
was a screenshot left on my camera. I have this gadget with me all the time, cause I am
mad about looks, as I told. Using the camera adds another level, in a way it doubles
looking ...

This screenshot shows Daniel
Plainview (Daniel Day-Lewis) and his son H.W. Plainview (Dillon Frasier) in
a movie which is titeled like a subject, I deal with since decades: "There Will Be Blood".
(Paul Thomas Anderson, 2007)
I took this screenshot being moved
by that moment, where an unscrupulous and violent man cares for his ward, his fosterling,
after the kid has been hurt in a blowout at a borehole. This is one of the questions, I
find again and again: "Did you care for your ward, did you protect him?"
(In german I say "Schutzbefohlener".)
I saw this movie again before we
went to Vienna. It is based on a novel by Upton Sinclair. Some hours later the
"Vienna-Setup" happened, where we were talking about the DIFFERENCE between
The german word for
"responsibility" is "Verantwortung". The word "Verantwortung"
contains "Antwort", which means "answer". Answers! In 2001 I had a
session wirth Dzevad Karahasan, a writer from Sarajevo.

He told me a lot about the rules and
effects of Greek tragedy. The most important aspect for me was, that Greek tragedy aint no
tribunal. It is not about conviction, just about asking and getting answers.
distinction between the passivity of the chorus and the activity of the actors is central
to the artistry of the Greek tragedies. While the tragic protagonists act out their
defiance of the limits subscribed by the gods for man, the chorus expresses the fears,
hopes, and judgment of the polity, the average citizens. Their judgment is the verdict of
history.<< [Source]
I like situations, where everybody
is asked to tell, what has happened. This reminds me on a short story by the japanese
writer Ryunosuke Akutagawa. I bought the book in the eastern part of Berlin, when
Gorbatchev was there and a lot of things began to change.

These are the last words of "Im
Dickicht". See the english Version online: "In a Grove"
[The Story] This stuff became very popular, when Akira Kurosawa 1950
made a movie out of it: "Rashomon".

The story is, amongst other things,
bout the question how to deal with, if every witness tells another story. But! We. I wrote
"we" several times. Who is it?

It is art historian Mirjana
Peitler-Selakov (left), artist Milica Tomic and me, Martin Krusche, artist.
[the cartel] [sources]
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