~ foreward: Abschluß und weitere
~ foreward: You are Poetry
~ foreward: der ausschneidebogen / the
paper kit model
Coco Gordon
~ foreward:
jane doe #9
~ cover #2
~ history #1
~ history #2
~ history #3
Josef Schuetzenhoefer
~ Auf dem Weg nach Amerika II / Heading
the USA II
~ The 25th session: Norfolk / Virginia (USA)
~ The 25th session: Norfolk II
~ The 25th session: Norfolk III
~ The 25th session: Norfolk IV
~ The 25th session: Norfolk V
~ Die Pflege der Barbaren: konkret II
(Von Martin Krusche)
transit zone
~ the site
Martin Krusche
~ the set
~ building the set II: schrauben
~ building the set III: streichen
Martin Krusche
~ part 1: "Banzai Baby"
~ part 2: "Stormy Monday"
~ part 3: "Freiheit macht
~ part 4: "The Norfolk-Package"
~ the container I
~ the container II
~ the container III
~ The 26th session [eins] [zwei] [drei]
Martin Krusche
~ the container IV
~ the container V
~ The 27th session [eins] [zwei] [drei]
~ the long distance howl:
night (site #1)
Coco Gordon
~ foreward: jane
doe #7
~ foreward: jane
doe #8
~ foreward: jane
doe #9
~ foreward: jane
doe #10
~ foreward: jane
doe #11
Vito Pace
~ night:
the birthday of fine arts (transit zone)
Coco Gordon
~ foreward: solstice 2003
~ foreward: jane
doe #12
~ foreward: jane
doe #13
[eins] [zwei] [drei] |