Context #1: Coco Gordon

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hey Martin--

Jane Doe is for the moment changing into a wild horse to stay alive through the new insistent genocide of all wild cultures, people, animals, things wild. Think one big primal change Jane Doe hunted. Think 5000 of me avoiding the hunt.

How to track this new event, the hunting and brutal killing ordered by our stolen Presidency of George W Bush! Here the image & poem, with a deeeeeeeeeep hope for awakening to the brutalities few see close-up (It's on indigenous land we don't get to see, we never got to see, we lost without seeing) so we can make humanity rightly fit into our sacred web of life. Newspapers, radio, media remove us from blunt truth. Stories witnessed, from real mouths, tempt us with finding that truth.

A friend of mine sent me this article about a wild horse herd found on the Yakima Indian Nation's reservation -
here they are thus apparently protected from round up and slaughter.

According to the Wild Horse and Burro Freedom Alliance a recently signed rider (#142) on the omnibus federal Appropriations Bill "eviscerates federal protection for Americašs wild horses." Read more here
Bush smiles while he strikes, that's his tactic, all cheer the smiling not sensing the strike.

Jane Doe needs to recover from this next insult to the human race, the extermination of the pure and the free. Part of her recovery (for she has been smittttten to the heart and breath in a sea of white chalk targeting the beauty of the beast) will be using the stakes you sent to find the way back to a humanity she feels worthy of rejoining. Else the Death Jane Doe has suffered over and over become final!!!!! Your stakes are becoming chiseling tools to force the mud out of the stallions' formidable bone lines. Literally! In Chappaqua right now!

Save Jane Doe from the master slaughter of this New World Order!! Save the stealing of LIFE by pre-emptive politics and transnational power and rich money grabbing money laundering bludgeoners of we the people into their submissionsssssss plural and plural more! Wild Horses are not TERRORISTS, but Bush wouldn't know a real thing if he ate it!

Stakes and stumps mark the way of all inspired travel.

For the Wild/
Jane Doe

[Context #2] [Context #3] [Context #4]
[Preview #5]  [Jane Doe]

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