Context #2: Coco Gordon

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Thanks Martin- Take your time -- I picked up some of the next claim pictures made here in Chappaqua Earth root & stone piles yesterday, they are Ok to use! starting to scan in tonight --

new Brutality stories will unfold with each set of fotos- the Great cover-up is now in full swing here in the USA.

The next ones are still in another paper camera to be developed, another of your stakes in the big roots am making into wild horses, clearing out the mud from these sculptures being unearthed, & then will continue, to get to the Railroad station & tracks.

Today same friend who told me about the wild horses sent a very detailed story song:

"Came across a song my husband's band used to do - an Archie Fisher song called The Witch of the Westmoreland.

Antlered deer women are noted in Irish Fianna tales - Cliodna, Fand and her ilk. However, there are old Gaelic terms for horse-human hybrids - in Irish Gaelic its "irithe duine fear" and Old Scots Gaelic it's "eich fir." Horses are very important in Gaelic mythology and Tradition. Particularly wild ones. There are tales of Maeve and Tailtiu turning into white mares as well as Mannan Mac Lir and his white horses in the sea waves. The pooka traditionally appeared as a horse in Irish myth and as a Deer, wild goat, or dog in British (pre-Saxon) myth.

Synchronicity - last night on Oregon Field Guide on Oregon Public Broadcasting they profiled an old fashioned Oregon horse whisperer -- not famous or flashy -- but the BLM has asked him to help people who want to adopt wild horses learn how to connect with them.

I'm not for wild horse adoption per se myself - I think we (read: all humans and all our other siblings in Creation) - *need* wild horses - and other wild things and places."



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