local task 2003 - net art | die verschwundene galerie

Coco Gordon
(August / September 2003)
Die vierte Station / The fourth station

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* The Object / Das Objekt
~ the object: part 1
~ the object: part 2
~ the object: part 3
~ the making: part 1
~ the making: part 2
~ Gleisdorf: Einbau: "SuperSkyWoman"
~ Space 3: Meeting

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~ SuperSkyWoman: The Picture
~ SuperSkyWoman: The Poem
~ SuperSkyWoman: She falls ...
~ SuperSkyWoman: Leave time here ...
~ SuperSkyWoman: Zen sitzen ...
~ SuperSkyWoman: We gather in the Kultur box ...
~ SuperSkyWoman: Arlene Raven

~ Gleisdorf: Transport
~ Die 12. Session / The 12th session: "Brennpunkt Gleisdorf"
~ Die 12. Session / The 12th session: Blatt II
~ Die 14. Session / The 14th session: "Bad zur Sonne"; Graz
~ Die 14. Session / The 14th session: Blatt II
~ Die 14. Session / The 14th session: Blatt III
~ Die 14. Session / The 14th session: Blatt IV
~ Die 15. Session / The 15th session
~ Die 15. Session / The 15th session: Blatt II
~ Die 16. Session / The 16th session: "forumKLOSTER"; Gleisdorf
~ Die 17. Session / The 17th session: Kunsthalle K2, Semriach
~ The 24th session: Graz
~ The 24th session: Graz

* Foreward
~ foreward: ncc03
~ next horizons I
~ foreward: jane doe #1
~ foreward: jane doe #2
~ foreward: jane doe #3
~ foreward: jane doe #4
~ foreward: jane doe #5
~ foreward: jane doe #6
~ foreward: jane doe #7
~ foreward: jane doe #8
~ foreward: jane doe #9

* Basic-Info (Press-Info / Picture-Download)
~ Martin Krusche
~ Joseph Schuetzenhoefer
~ Hotlist #1 (Relevante Links)

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