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Coco Gordon

The poem "Nata Anziana" (Born Ancient), in my 1993 book Radical Food, for show in Vienna with Christine Jones curating, that tells that story.

The Picture

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Nata Anziana

I speak as skywoman
long ago ooma-oo
beings unlike us
never to be confused
as us
tree of light
as are treeeeeees of life
(Odin's, Maya's, Sun Dance,
Garden of Eden, Kaballa,
the tree's 'the way'dao)
I pass test of corngrinding
of fire splashcooking
of tongue licking wounds
I so love tree of light I
lie down under
open legs blossom falls
am pollinated...

he weakens
uproots the tree of light
eads me to jump
blue sky world below
this tree over such a place!
I forget place of home
place of origin
forget coming going
to begin
to end
Waterfowl Beaver Turtle
live in this emptiness this
falling through void
watch long long time
slow my endless
I slow I sleep I dream
they help me
move as I must
move now spin slow...
I hop
chant dance
four circuits filled
no thought no memory no dream
I crouch down
spread legs
slowly withdraw
slender stalk
long pull long
breathe it dry

tamp it into
Turtle's earthback
I sing
layers branches
chant balls of light
it blossoms I wake
to my daughter
in the treelight...
aeons after
daughter also nata anziana
born like this

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