local task 2003 - net art | die verschwundene galerie

Coco Gordon

ssw05.jpg (15243 Byte)

Von: Coco Gordon cocogord@mindspring.com
Betreff: Re: :-))
Datum: Sonntag, 28. September 2003 16:20

Dear dear martin--


I especially love this activity ... in this room in this journal it parallels my gathering branches for phrases in Quebec I then made into two talking medicine wheels. I needed, after this serious action/dialog with Canadians to be brought into an art funky open bag with emerging mascot leaning toward Kultur box with my missive name taken with you all to new operating rooms of Kultur the cartoon emitting Superskywoman diode blip-light into outside air strip film parodying rust from earth, we are rusty & My God look past our trees the conference room of our desire.

So thanks for travelling the Coco Box in September the month of my birth, 16th, when I miraculously felt a "new lease on" movin around, life, here, promised places, indigenous, with you all, with my spirit people, Christine Jones, Zen Sitzen taking along the head of George Bush on my body to "break him in" to new curves female, skydriven, plunging him into my etheric layers everywhere I be for all time for all species, for all our progeny. Air quality is being considered in all its healings down here at ground zero. They have much to learn from Kultur's breathing voyages.

Cheers OWWOOOOOoooooooo/

(second picture)

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