Docu #3: Costs as an Argument?

In a lot of Letters to the Editor Austrians argued with the Costs of the Project ... against the Artists. "Our Taxes" should not been given to "Artists like that".

docu03.jpg (25248 Byte) If no one else, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber should have stood up for the Artists.

Primaly calculated 1,6 Million Euro were a Million, the whole Event took.

The most of the Costs were caused by printing the Posters and payed to the Company, which displayed the Works in the Streets.

So it was good Business for the Company. Each of the 75 Artists got a Fee of 1.000 Euro.

Austrian Social Democrats published the Solicitacion of the Organizer, adressed to the Art Division of the Federal Chancellory. (See the Cut below.)

Most of the Costs for Organisation and Realisation of the Project, with a noteworthy Reflux on local Economy.

(Source: "profil", 2nd of Jan.)

So many Journalists and Politicians did a nice Job. One Million Euro to spend. Most of it for local Economy. 75.000 Euro for the 75 Artists. Two of them crucified as "Sicko" and Pronographer. Circulation of the Papers increased. Business by kicking a Scandal ...

docu03b.jpg (11737 Byte)


Martin Krusche

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