Docu #4: Kicking a Scandal / Martin Krusche

The Echo of a Wannabe-Scandal shows, how this Business works.

The Business of Yellow Press is about increasing the Circulation of the Paper. As the “Kronen Zeitung” started the fire with Reports on a pretended “Porn-Scandal”, the Waves of this Campaign could also be mapped by our Logfiles. (Because I hosted the Website of one of the accused Artists, Tanja Ostojic.)

Our Web-Area is dedicated to „Art under Net Conditions“. So this is no “Main Stream Channel”. But the Rate of Audience coming along is quite allright to me. Average Visitors per Day are about 1.300 to 1.400.

This was the Traffic during the last Calendar Weeks:

48th CW: Average visitors per day: 1.442
49th CW: Average visitors per day: 1.481
50th CW: Average visitors per day: 1.468
51st CW: Average visitors per day: 1.331
52nd CW: Average visitors per day: 2.389

Now check the Curve of User Sessions in the 52nd Calendar Week, when the “Scandal” was headlined by some papers:

Dec. 26th: Total visitors: 1.254
Dec. 27th: Total visitors: 1.356
Dec. 28th: Total visitors: 1.535
Dec. 29th: Total visitors: 2.392
Dec. 30th: Total visitors: 6.434
Dec. 31st: Total visitors: 2.108

Jan. 1st: Total visitors: 1.648
Jan. 2nd: Total visitors: 2.352
Jan. 3rd: Total visitors: 2.267
Jan. 4th: Total visitors: 2.334
Jan. 5th: Total visitors: 2.127
Jan. 6th: Total visitors: 1.881

If this would pay any Bill for me, raising Scandals could be a good Idea to make my Business grow ;-)))

If you think about the Relation between Yellow Press-Readers and those who are interested to visit an Artists Website, you can figure out, how the Curve develops for Journalists, who kicked the “Scandal”.

Martin Krusche

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