log #494: from diaspora to diversities

History of Mobility

Before we knew modern nations, there were no such territories determined by law an borders. Even if someone wanted to, ground surveyors had not the skills to realize borders and maps like we use to have today.

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Ahmad Baaj

Hot spots were linked by communication lines. That means roads. The routes of merchants, armies and personal transport were the main routes of messages and news.

If you think in terms of centuries, bridges are very important. It might be no coincidence, that Imed Bentrad and Ahmad Baaj show us bridges from their homelands. So they make a contribution to our art symposion because the history of mobility is one of our subjects.

More than that, Baaj was material controller of an oil company, before he had to leave Syria. He is familiar with the issue mobility on various aspects. We will show some of their works at "Mythos Puch".

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Imed Bentrad

Bentrad started to build a big model car from the scratch and we will have to talk about the "speed demon" and it's meaning in other countries, other cultures. It will be also part of the exhibition.

Speed is not only a physical matter, it's also a cultural code. Borders are vanishing, national states lose importance. Communication has become a major concern. What do we share, even though we come from different ethnicities.

Are there universal codes for us, who feel different? There will be some work in progress to find out.

+) Ahmad Baaj: Deir ez-Zor [link]
+) Imed Bentrad: Constanine Bridge [link]
+) Art Symposion [link]

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