next code: in between / christian hillesoe

5 notes on current state of denmark.

1. ”For sale along with 500 autonome, stone throwing, violent psychopaths from hell”.

Today the police went into the free town of Christiania  and, as Im writing now, I can still see the smoke from the burning tires, refrigerator, cardboard and wood, rising above the city center showing yet another interferes in the free life of Copenhagen. For the second time in a few months the police is (working as an instrument for the state) tearing down public spheres/spaces in order to normalize initiatives which has risen from the restless many. First the Youth House (aka The Peoples house) [1]  was demolished, and now Christinia! And so it goes with the normalization process, all over the north, from Blitz in Norway and down to Köpi in Berlin [2]. So, talking about cultural identity the state of Denmark, as well as the north, it seems that “normalization” is tightening its grip on alternative culture and framing it as history.


A week ago a new political parti emerged, its name was A hurling wind in the political landscape which shook the current block-politics in the Danish parliament. The current political situation is a right wing govement consisting of the conservatives and liberal and the Danish Peoples Party. to compromise this note Ill breifly mention that the Danish Peoples Party is like Jörg Haiders FPÖ [3]  in Austria, a party with has menbers of both neo-nazist background and fundamental Christian background. The Peoples Party acts as a support parti to the government - technical its not in the government, but with out the Peoples Party the government cant make political decisions in real life.

New alliance, which now only in a few weeks has a member list of over 20.000 members, consider themselves as “social” liberals (the worst of the kinds) and would seek power with both the social democrats and the conservatives, BUT NOT the rasist Peoples Party. So theres the choice; “social” liberals or neo-nazist? so much for politics!


Are we still discussion and framing the former east contries?

Here’s and idea: Lets make a Europe based on the gypsies, lets base the Europe we want on enclaves instead of nations with boundaries. Lets consider the physical model of sitiationisten New Babylon [4] as a way of constructing this Europe.


Not many positive word on new media and the discussion and criticism within these new sensations e.i myspace. As for the TV-stations, the biggest thing is the news chopper that is hanging over Copenhagen whenever there is something happening, from weddings to demos, from bank robberies to death. We only have one paper [5] that hasn't a background as a party newspaper. We also have one paper [6]  who brought the muhammed cartoons (well it wasn't really a cartoon, just some imagers of a Arabic person with turban and beard  the usual way of portraying the middeleast) [7].

5. what is to be done?

Its time to leave the computer and go outside, maybe visit Christiania and help them build some barricades in the streets… Soyez réalistes, demandez l'impossible!

chris.jpg (47420 Byte)

images by POLFOTO 2007 | cc.GKA.2007

[1] The Peoples House was build in 1897 and was holding the Second internationale as well as the uprising of the Sufragets and the womens movement. [link]
[2] The squated places of Köpi in Berlin and Blitz in Norway is on the was of being sold.
[3] FPÔ refued to work together with The Danish Peoples Party back in 2002
[4] Constant Anton Nieuwenhuys
[5] with the dazzling name "The Information"
[6] Jyllands posten JP (eng trans. jytland post) Jytland is a region of Denmark. the JP is the 2 largest paper in Denmark.
[7] "A War of Words: A Review of Muhammadgate" by Simon Sheikh

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