The group "led ART klinika" did one of their street actions a
Weiz. The "Crime Reconstruiction" is documented here: [link]
The works of that session are shown at "Kunsthaus Weiz", whre an exhibition
was opened and Andrea Cusumano showed his play.
From the left: Helmuth Kienreich (Mayor of Weiz), Walter Kratner (artist
and curator of the Weiz-Part) and Georg Koehler (cultural official of Weiz).
This figure was brought by Markus Wilfling, who set an installation at "Kunsthaus
Weiz". [link] Another Installation was done
by Christian Eisenberger. [link]
After that Andrea Cusumano came with his british-italian crew to play
"The Bitter Belief of the Magician Cotrone". [link]