Kontora Mir

All Contributions

Kontora Mir ... the logo
(9 Kb PDF-File with the russian version of the writing)

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Something 'bout Vito

Manifesto #1
Manifesto #2

Alte Raumlogik, neue Räume
Von Martin Krusche

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People from all over the world send me their personal images of KONTORA MIR.

KONTORA is Russian and it means Office. MIR means peace or world in Russian.

The images I recieve, I send back out to the world. This project is a network of people's ideas about their offices of peace.

Vito Pace

[Biennale in Schirajevo]

Visit Das taegliche Geheimnis
Visit interface
Visit on that war
Visit the site of Tanja Ostojic with the "Integration Project"
Visit paparazzo
Visit switzerland is everywhere

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stop.gif (2575 Byte)

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