local task 2003 - net art | die verschwundene galerie

Jennifer Becker
(February / March 2003) Poellau

becker.jpg (19419 Byte) [deutsche Version]

* the object
* "six objects"
* the becker-site

My work has always been about combining many things, elements of two-dimensional work and three-dimensional work as well as both fine art and purely craft techniques. I use a lot of facades and inner and outer structures and unconventional ways of putting things togehter or making things three-dimensional such as knotting and folding.

I have been using a lot of crocheting in my work. I start out with a line (piece of wire) and give it form by crocheting, I often contrast it with the flat image of a foto. Lately I have been working a lot with books.

I take only the material I get from a single book and I try to recreate certain single images that are derived from the text in the book. The images come more from my relationship to words than the actual „story”. The pieces that I am presently working on also are made from single books but they deal more with how people see text when they are reading.

These pieces speak more to the process of learning to read which can be so different for different individuals. For some it is a process that is based on order and words and sounds and for some it is disorder, symbols and images.

Jennifer Becker

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