local task 2003 - net art | die verschwundene galerie

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Die Kunstgeherin
Elisabeth List


* The Session
~ building the set
~ building the set II
~ building the set III
~ illegal presentation
~ entering KIG!
~ glimpse
~ inside KIG!
~ statement #8
~ the artwalker
~ the last day in KIG!
~ leaving KIG!

~ Leben, eine Kunst / The Art of Walking

* Momente / Moments
~ Cover #1
~ sinnlos
~ artline do not cross: the artwalker
~ Space 3: Meeting
~ Die 12. Session / The 12th session: "Brennpunkt Gleisdorf"
~ Die 14. Session / The 14th session: "Bad zur Sonne"; Graz
~ Die 15. Session / The 15th session: elsewhere
~ unerlaubte Preaesentation: Baustelle

core.jpg (12088 Byte) * Kontakt
* List Home
* KIG! (Kunst in Graz)

* List-Foto (free download)
* Basic-Info (Press-Info / Picture-Download)
* Hotlist #1 (Relevante Links)

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