Colleagues: Markus Öhrn (Sweden)

My project was to work together with Mooste local village theatre and make a video together. We didn not have any contact until I came to Mooste and it turned out to be 7 women, all in different ages. From 5 to 40 years old. We met 3 evenings for 1,5 hours every time and worked intensivly to make an interesting piece. The result became a 6 min video with sound that was exhibited in the gymhall in Mooste that also have a stage for theatre. Both me and the women from the theatre felt that we made something that we are going to work more on in the future.

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So right now I am working on arranging a 2 month stay in Mooste this cooming winter to continue this work. (You can see the video on my homepage.)

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