the track: talking communities (page #22)
Konferenz in Permanenz
„Brain Drain“
In conclusion: we have more Serbian friends abroad than in Serbia.
(Schlußendlich haben wir mehr Freunde im Auslanfdals in Serbien.)
We gonna talk in English!
+) Artists Milica Milicevic and Milan Bosnic
(diSTRUKTURA) from Serbia
…talking with Art Historian Mirjana Peitler-Selakov
Dienstag, 8. Oktober 2013
19:00 Uhr, Gasthof Wurm (Extrazimmer)
Franz-Josef-Straße 26, 8200 Gleisdorf
-- The Styrian Sessions: [link] --

„Every time someone decides to go in a foreign country to look for a
better life, we are called to witness the moment of their final verdict. They all have the
same reasons and they are all in relation with the political and social state of the
country." (diSTRUKTURA)

+) In Kooperation mit der Akademie Graz [link]
+) Institut für Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Steiermark [link]
+) diSTRUKTURA: [link]

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