tanja ostojic
Misplaced Women? @ New York City, Performa

You are invited to perform delegated performance Misplaced Women? while
mapping New York City in another way during the entire month of November, and
to share your experience on the web.

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Misplaced Women? is a delegated performance in which women volunteers carry
packed suitcases in the public spaces repeatedly pausing to pack and unpack as
they move about the city.

In this project, Tanja Ostojic enacts an everyday life activity that signifies
a displacement as common to transients, migrants, and disaster refugees, as it
is to the itinerant artist travelling the world to earn her living. Ostojicıs
street performance continues themes of migration, desired mobility, and
relations of power and vulnerability in regards to the mobile female body,
found in much of her previous work.

Locations for performances suggested by the artist include: train stations
(inside and outside); womenıs house, (in front or inside); refugee camps for
illegalized people, shopping malls/market places; ports, airports, underground
(inside metro while driving, underground stations)

[The Website]


New York, Performa, White Box
in the frame of: White Noise III: Pandoraıs Sound Box, November 2-22, 2009

On Saturday November 21, 5 p.m.

there will be Misplaced Women? performance at White Box and around it. Please
join in and take part in performing on the spot.

White Box
329 Broome Street
New York, NY 10002

We would like to hear from anyone performing this delegated piece: Please post
your contributions in the form of images, notes or texts to this blog, and on
Misplaced Women?  Flickr account, or upload your video clips to Misplaced
Women? account at Vimeo. For further guidelines please send a mail to:


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