this is certainly not the central issue ...

but still

... entire spectacl arownd the furnal was theatricaly staged in fake and pathetic way...

culmination was in my opinion the kids trio. They have been used in very bissar and sick way on different locations in belgrade and pozarevac. I´m sure this was staged performance with specialy for this occasion siued uniforms

Do you know something more about this event or this kids theater company?

7 photos that I collected from the internet follow:

“in front of the federal parlament, Belgrade 18.03.2006.”

“Children stand in front of the hearse carrying former Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic
during the memorial service ahead of Milosevic's funeral in Pozarevac...”

“Sympathizers pass by the grave of former Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic
in his hometown of Pozarevac...”

input02f.jpg (16538 Byte)

“Child in military uniform kisses the grave of Slobodan Milosevic during
his funeral at the yard of his estate in his home town of Pozarevac
March 18...

“Serb girl Jelena Tmusic wears a Serbian uniform as she kisses the grave of former
Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic during the funeral in his hometown of Pozarevac...”

Do you know something more about this case?

Do you know more about this kids thater trio ???

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