next code: love / mission stetement #2 / english

"next code: love"
By Martin Krusche [deutsch]

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The view of Europe, review such as preview, finds to an extremely high-contrast culture area with all its contradictions and (also) incompatiblenesses. Our reflections over these connections have their focus in a subject, which is extremely promising for our project. We took up the category „love “. We, a team of several generations, across very different cultures settled. In a common work and communication process.

What is now possible at community in „the practice of the contrast “? If stands to the debate: to be different is a high quality, which one above all accelerates creative forces in the cultural, instead of being cause for wars.

50 years „east west confrontation “(Cold War) stand against the background of approximately 500 years reciprocal effect between Latinity, Orthodoxy and Islam.

That shows up this dominant factor culture event, the mentioned reciprocal effect, as the remaining, beside that all campaigns are only long faded human efforts and agonies ... from which, however, political fact situations rose. With cultural consequences, which are enough into the present. Like also our wars are enough into the present, the youngest, at the Balkans, has not faded out yet.

The actually and distinctive threads of events in Europe, which interest us, is thus above all this cultural process with its interactive processes across a habitat, which we mark symbolically with the (reference-) points Vienna / Beograd / Istanbul.

As a while ago suggested, this happens in the synopsis of three normative complexes of European history and culture (Latinity, Orthodoxy and Islam). In the co-operation of a various crew, which represents a completely substantial elbow of lived experiences and different biographies in several generations.

[Krusche: Home]

I had first impulses for this project from the project „response and responselessness“, which was initiated by Kah Bee Chow and Marcus Williams (new Zealand 2003 - 2005). Online: [link]

[Foto: Karri Kuoppala (Finland) & Martin Krusche (Asutria) at work in Istanbul by Christian Hillsoe (Denmark) ... check the cover-foto!]

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