log #556: kunstsymposion

Prizren Session | The Skopje Questions

A little background check made me think: Is this the next Great Transformation? Okay, this all is not what Karl Polanyi was writing about: [link] The mission statement [link] for this project made me quote Eric Kandel: "Have you asked a good question?"

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What will I find beyond my own questions? And there are some others, I got from Skopje, when we started to collaborate with some colleagues on the Balkans in the projec "From Diaspora to Diversities". I find these questions still very interesting. What else is Europe if not a permanent case of diaspora and exchange? Here the

List of Questions

1) What is the role of diaspora in the nation-building urgency and identity-centered preoccupation?

2) When ambivalence and contradiction appears in the artistic memories of the homeland?

3) Why traditions are significantly invented in retrospective affiliations?

4) Where is the space of the transmigrational groups and non-citizen classes, such as immigrants, economic migrants, exiles, refugees and illegal aliens?

5) How are the voluntary diasporic subjects different from those whose lives have been mapped by exile and forced economic migration?

6) How is diaspora being remapped through cyberspace?

7) Can there emerge different kind of citizenship - flexible, diasporic, and nomadic?

8) In which way the new models of mobility, nomadic experiences, frequent travels, short term stays in other countries as art and cultural residencies, influence and shape someone’s artistic practice and poetics?

-- [Die Prizren Session] [From Diaspora to Diversities] --
