log #152: next code:
crossing From Graz, the capital of Styria,
it takes about half an hour by car or bus, heading east, to reach Gleisdorf. About 40
minutes later you would arrive Poellau ... north-east of Gleisdorf.
Any connection to Turkey there? How and why?
They call it "province". And this is an area, where a poet still is admired, who
was famous for his nationalistic poems, expressing a racist's attitude: Ottokar
Kernststock. |
A guy, who obviously had to compensate, that
his carreer as a priest ended there in the "province". And his maybe most
popular work is "Der steirische Waffensegen" (means: "the styrian
blessing of weapons").
A collaboration with the more famous poet
Peter Rosegger. It has been published in 1915, about two years, after Ottomans have
finally been beaten on the Balkans. Even the City of
Gleisdorf ist still featuring those guys. People have forgotten, what they stood for in
World War I.
Is it necessary to talk about that today? Yes, it is! Caus
the way of discourses, |
people like them established in trhe
beginning of the 20th century, is still "à la mode". Now let's get
back to Poellau: Any connection to Turkey there? How and why? They call it
"province". But wait! Isn't "province" the place, where so many people
come from, to make a center what it is at last?

If you enter "Das Schoss" ("The
Palace") in Poellau, you first see that war memorial on WW 1 and WW 2. If you then
come inside the halls, you maybe find some surpising pieces; like that:

Portraits of fotographer Othmar Pferschy and
his wife Astrid von Schell. Pferschy was born 1858 in Graz, but raised in Fuerstenfeld,
just 30 minutes east of Gleisdorf. [english
feature] (See also: ÖZENDES, ENGIN Under the Light of the Republic: The
Photographs of Othmar Pferschy 2006 Istanbul Modern, Istanbul)
Pferschy at:
Özel St. Georg Avusturya Lisesi ve Ticaret Okulu [link]
art magazine [link]
| Wiener Zeitung [link]
It is said, his studio "was located
at 243 Istiklâl Caddesi ..." Of course I know the Istiklâl Street. I started "next
code" there in 2006: [link]
And I saw it again this week, watching the movie "Yasamin kiyisinda "
(2007) by Fatih Akin on a silent Gleisdorf evening: [link]

As there was Nejat Aksu (Baki Davrak)
putting the posters at the wall, I knew, I have been there, at this corner ... As I had
prooved ist, yes, indeed:

Same doors. The coloured poster below was part
of "exociti" [link].
It has been a lot of action there. New posters night by night. You see, there are allways
some links between those places, provinces and capitals, lifes connected ...

[next code: crossing]
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