The sails are set. The serbian guys are on the road. And I am for moments
high on Pinot Blanc. Everything went fine. Then I received bad news.

Johannes J. Musolf, the german artist, who made the leafes for our project on the
jugoslavian war, died on sunday, the 5th of october, late at night. At two o clock. His
brother Alfons sent me that message:
Lieber Martin Krusche!
Heute schreibt Ihnen nicht Johannes, sondern Alfons Musolf, der Bruder von Johannes. Ich
muss Ihnen mitteilen, dass Johannes am 5.10., nachts um 2 Uhr verstorben ist.[...] |
How disturbing! We have been working on that subject ... death. As a
consequence of violence. It started two years ago. [link]

Now, only a few days after his death, the setup is done. [link] Some more items beside the "kuvarice". And equipments to show serbian videos. See some of the
guys doing the embroidering at Gleisdorf and the russian Artist Sergey Yugov with one of
the leafes, Musolf had manufactured: [link]

We went to that point over Bucharest. [link] The two art historians Mirjana Selakov and Sigrid Meister,
artist Linda M. Schwarz and me. Off Balkans. On Europe. Who are we, if we belong together?