next code: exit / notiz #10

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Charles Chaplin was my fist cover-boy. (See note #1!) This is a scene from the movie "Modern Times", I took, cause we will see them Škart-boys embroidering in Gleisdorf and Weiz. [link]

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Now artist Walter Kratner, who designs the booklet for this event, choosed another image for the cover. It was sent by Nikola Dzafo.

Dzafo is developing a contribution by "ARTklinika". (See the image in full size: [link]) This crew is related to "Led Art".

There will be a mix of performance and exhibition, done at different places.

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The part of Weiz, about 15 kilometers north of Gleisdorf, will be done by two austrian Artists, showing their contributions in an exhibition.

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Markus Wilfling at a meeting in Graz, where we did some barbecue, also with Irina Karamarkovic, a singer from Kosovo, and Romelo Pervolovici, a sculptor from Rumania.

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Not to forget the artist Christian Eisenberger, who joined the session. By the way: this became part of a little video, shown at the exhibition "Augenhoehe" ("eye level").


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