Jane Doe: the show
Coco Gordon (USA)

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Hi Martin --
this new interactiv & your cover for it is impressive!! & very appreciated -- no hurry!!!remember time is timeless!!

I've been very busy -- the international Sustainable Design Competition opened on feb 25th at the Municipal Art Society in NYC, with hundreds of people there -- very good show & I had two pieces with 17 vignettes by SuperSkywoman tackling permaculture and Reinhabiting our place. She's poetic & sassy & full of ideas as you know for imparting a healthy glow to this Earth, even when she lies under her own scraps of food & so to dream & so to live.

Just received from Art Critic Helen Harrison who curates Pollock Krasner House, a copy of the zany video of my Watery Eyes full moon event for Ray Johnson -- lots of howling, & need to photograph from the video -- it is magic!!

I've been preparing for a few new gigs -- will be collaborating with Luc Fierens, sending back & forth to make a little booklet together that he will print with his postfluxpost editions. Luc writes (about kultur site) "websites are great & your work inspires me". He sent me two older links to check out:

Am partaking in a three month pictures of my town to be projected on buildings in Dusseldorf curated by Klemens Golf, "Where is your home?" which starts mid-March & will alternated between Chappaqua & NYC spots of interest to me, including ground zero.

A few new gigs also -- Vienna will be the 20th anniversary show with Christine Jones at the Kunstkanslei -- don't know what i'll do for that yet -- it will be from june 22 to july 23, i want to do some Earthy dynamite!

& the dream pillow show with my dream pillow for 6 opens in Milano in mid-April here's the site: http://www.uncuscinopersognare.it/a long list of superlato artists here.

& Pier Mario Ciano invites me to join FUN of FUN "We are organizing  FUN of FUN (First Universal Nexus of FUNtastic United Nations) on the 18 and 19 September 2004 in a FUNtastic place created by artists on the banks of the river Sile, between Treviso and Venice in Italy."

& need to start cutting our box in the flying mode this week!!! i have collected 5 boxes in different dimension so far that can work!

& need to get you the outer paper for the Twin towers in Butter (actually soy margarine) piece to be enlarged as a surrogate melting installation, a scan & also the wrapper.

Just finished presenting for a week on the water course, Springs 3, http://www.eurekaol.com with dreaming & meditations, it was a rich 8 weeks!! lots of water dreams.

& the group show, "Greed" with gallery "a taste of art" in NYC that was supposed to be in Feb was pushed up to June.

Am having so much fun with ART these days-- starting with Jane Doe who has recreated the slow drip of time and continues to disavow her taking it on the chin for everyone, instead is leading us all out of the big MORASS OF STUPID UNLIVABILITY ON THIS PLANET, replacing it with REINHABITATION & PERMACULTURE.

Two of my children, Rob & Deb came to visit twice in this month & it was great being with them at Mom's. THEY WANT TO COME TO THE NEXT BIOREGIONAL CONGRESS WITH ME -- Haaaaa, finally!! The family knows there is more to life than our culture lets them think.

& so to live & so to Dream!!!!!

Coco Go

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