Jane Doe: the show
Coco Gordon (USA)

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Dear martin

glad things get better for you!! for me, am working on a few things: adapting the way i relate to water due to my bad leaky water karma (leaky roofs & walls & other hobgoblins of water)-imagining little figure 8 lemniscates twirling around in the water in my body, like flow forms that cleanse water, to heal my medical problems.

visualizing this happening inside me something like visualizing all those fluttering pulsing stretching in & out circular strings in the smallest measure of string theory of energy that densely comprises everything in the universe, making it shine and pulse healthiily inside me.

That's means more than money to me, though am also thinking in advance as i can see that in 2 years money will be a real problem for Mom & me, trying to brainstorm some way of converting our Art talents into money, i know how hard that is, but it makes the most sense!! We both have such backlogs of work to sell. Am reaching out & asking for help. So money can become one of the interesting things, no?? Ha!! Always have hope!

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