Jane Doe: the show
Coco Gordon (USA)

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Dear Martin

Even Jane Doe knows help is needed to get our culture exchanges in balance, market flips of power enlarging ensuring poorhouse populations as mergers make bigger concentrated power, this vantage of sky with SuperSkyWoman shows truth as we've known since provinces such as East Styria became, like the rest of the world's takeovers of subsistence life another time bomb now blowing up pom pom here & there in the belly of market governing minority stakeholders everywhere no kidding even in venerable democracies, see Bill Moyer's Keynote Address to the National Conference on Media Reform targeting the losing of local media coverage in the good ole USA & what it means to the people, we know don't we!!
Here Jane Doe invokes SuperSkyWoman's view from above to check out the situation to see what she can do...whoa! she is seeing new transit zones flowering in the intersections of city streets!!!!!!

Transmission from Coco Go

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