Jane Doe: the show
Coco Gordon (USA)

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Anonymous do you know

Jane Doe am here in the first year celebration of 9/11/2002, Isn't this an extravagant patriotism this car as beatified as those burned and crashed ones so often found as car or truckgardens Martin Krusche has on his website why not make your old & out car into a museum for your remembered treasures, easy room easy real estate, value added recycling, call it upcycling for your cause? Flags flap flags wrap death flags in your eye of what remains.

Trade yr flag, wear yr flag fold yr flag buy yr flag big business big spear to the heart. Solace connects us like the turtle to the hare the race stills we become one another.

Once the getaway car now becomes the to be buried Cadillac Ranch of yr desire to show yr heart car light car bright which car i see tonight.

Unseen in the hoopla of tears, the Patriot Act sinistry washed in beatification of expression frothed by our representative politicians, to act patriotic, bugs John Doe all of us not just the terrorists, now you too can be grabbed off the street detained without lawyer stripped of possessions jailed and forever lost, just cross any line of Bush diactatorial values, you are snatched while you think you are given time to mourn and voice yr concern. I Jane Doe accept the challenge of the new Hunta chameleon, You will not remain uninformed! Look for me in the Cabinet of yr voice I am with you.
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