The Jane Doe: the show
Coco Gordon (USA)

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Dear Anonymous!

SuperSkyWoman in NY for a couple of days-cleaning up a huge file to blow up big big for exhibition in "a taste of art"'s GREED show, a controversial book made in edition of only 10 copies in 1988 using stamped dollar bills, "Things We Pay For" luscious red silk hand binding tiny tiny but huge huge book with two chapters: SHORT SIGHT, & BLEACH.  Old story, Lettuce Ten Dollar Wake-Up! First chapter: Human Primacy, Vertical Thinking, Single Crop Farming, Contamination of Aquifers, Topsoil Loss, Ozone Thinning, trying Biological Warfare, Weapons testing, Gene Splicing, Second chapter: Thinking White, Dead lakes, Monopoly, Corporate Structure, Robotization, Food Irradiation-spray, with hidden glimpses into our exotic hidden world. Seems we haven't moved far better in 15 years. Need Jane Doe to keep these issues in view, How about making text strips of my chapters to display each time you prop her up somewhere??? Here's a sample of one text. Just scrawl it on a board make it simple.

What does Jane Doe know about military politically made borders vs Bioregionalism's Watershed keep the family together across fabricated nations lines to teach how we all relate to our places in common??

Million dollar question for primary election.

Coco Go

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