junction / context
Coco Gordon (USA)

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Dear martin
forgot to send this --
The artline signs are real nice
notations, very musical & have a kind of sound in the ear!! NO???. And Angelo's project has
continued in my heartwarnings also- i was still photographing artlines, till yesterday
when the whole road was closed & the most beautiful artline to date stopped traffic,
fallen tree in storm, but didn't photograph it, guess the impulse to continue the live
photo shoots is starting to go back to normal, just "shoot with the eyes"!!! Ha!
Here are a few i got from the newspapers, attracted to artline news clippings. Years ago
in the late 80's when i couldn't stop finding Alison Knowles' shoe taps left on the
sidewalks that impulse subsided in time. Angelo's hold is strong!! It strikes into being
barred, being Zoned, being found out, made public, rounded up, exhibited for all to see.
The way they are left behind, left their trace, a map of sorts of where someone lost is
intimate and gives the fragile falling apart a voice, music of sorts, you know, 'dat
punctuation-of-loss music, enrichment-of-travel music, Hmmm it fits into your transit
zones!!!!!! Music of poverty stays around like a hiccup.
You know of course the present furor over railfans being harassed for taking photos of
trains they always did & are famous for chasing trains -- the new policy here is very
unconstitutional, people's rights and lives are changing fast in the name of
"terrorism", little to do with "terrorism", this pre-emptive political
& private gone public railroad policy is rearing ist ugly head again, yes again, it
happens when private enterprise gets proprietary & wants to keep people off their
property even if it runs through the "commons", and the tenor for this action
now that 9/11 has happened, has allowed multiple infringements of our rights!
Cheers/for whistle blowing!
Jane Doe aka
Coco Go
PS, got to find it I photographed the artline across the stationary train at Mt
Tremblant's Ligne Du Nord bike & walking trail in Canada, & left the artline there
for some days did anyone see the sign???
Coco Gordon, 138 Duane Street, NY NY 10013
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