Foudroyant: The Mission / Die Mission 
These days, the medical fraternity almost has a monopoly on this word (as an alternative
to the much more common /fulminant/, which means the same thing), though only the most
academic of clinicians seem to use it.
foudroyant playing:
Outside medicine, it is if anything even more rare, an alternative to words like
"brilliant" or "dazzling", as here in a review in the /Minneapolis
Star Tribune/ in 1999: "Heavy on elan and the damper pedal, pianists such as Simon,
Earl Wild, Jorge Bolet and Byron Janis wow you with foudroyant playing".
Fourdoyer (franz.):
But anybody with an interest in naval history will know it best as the name for several
Royal Navy ships at various periods, such as one of Nelsons flagships in the
Mediterranean in 1799 (and there is now a French submarine with the same name). The word
is indeed French, from /foudroyer/, to strike with lightning, so it makes a very good name
for a fighting ship.
foudroyant verlaufend:
Von jedem Ort eines primaeren Herdes aus kann es zu einer foudroyant verlaufenden
Septikaemie kommen, evtl. mit Absiedlung der Erreger in anderen Organen, wie z.B. den
Meningen (Meningitis).
Je nach Uebertragbarkeit unterscheidet man direkte und indirekte (ueber Zwischenwirte
erfolgende) Infektionen.
Nach dem zeitlichen Ablauf unterscheidet man
1. /foudroyant/, blitzschnell, sehr gefährlich
2. /akut/, ploetzlich beginnend
3. /chronisch/, allmaehlich beginnend, sich laenger erstreckend
4. /rezidivierend/, sich wiederholend
5. /latent/, über lange Zeitraeume verborgen
Florian Merkur
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