story #12

What a pleasant surprise to have news from you! Your proposition put me in a strange mood... wow, to write something on unrequited love... I have to decline but I’m touched that you would think about me. Why am I declining? not because of lack of time, for once, but because strangely it never happened to me. It is a sad thing to write but love has not been much in my life - all sorts of relations, yes, but love, only once. The good part being that it was reciprocal, it lasted many years and ended up in a total mess! Still trying to figure out what happened and still very good friend with the ex-lover. Love and sex are dimensions of human life so complex and not easy for me to live that you now understand, from a less theoretical angle, my interest in psychoanalysis...

But I want to tell you how much I like this project and the curatorial ap­proach: the drifting of desire along objects/subjects, the desire triggered by objects, desire triggered by lack, etc. you have a totally Lacanian project in your hand! I totally agree with you that “they possess a sense of great pathos.”

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