Dear Martin,
This installation in my studio in 1993 after feeding the red worms my daily food scraps
for 3 months in the winter Duane Street window, a lovely safe all colored with food no
toxics American flag I made from handmade paper is spread out to survey how many seven
pointed stars were eaten by the worms.
Here I clumped the carrots that had dried
like ginseng accenting my hair laid out on the wall self portrait behind the worm box and
here an intuitive set-up of bike, helmets, backdrops & turtle sculpture from the 60's.
On 9/11 Chelsea Jeans had been left open to incinerated remains from the blast.
Now the do not cross line merges with the
9/11 line from Chelsea jeans, presided over by a Chelsea Jeans flag. I insert the jeans your young friend wears while biking
behind Angelo's Artline. This a timeless voyage made personal a cordoning off of our
interest in disasters perpetrators an art for all everywhere every hearth every office
every home. Jane Doe is ready to take the heat for this one but it is I who placed walking
sticks to hold the flag down, I to hope for the bundled earth below, I to upbeat the
living vibes for odd artfilled places.
For you then/
Coco Go |