art line do not cross

Dear Artist,

Angelo Ricciardi who is one of my gallery’s artists, only few months ago suggested me the project: ART LINE DO NOT CROSS as idea for the solo show that he will have in my gallery in the beginning of the next season.

I found it very interesting for several reasons: first, because it concerns the meaning of the recent contemporary art and its possible relations with ordinary people, and on the other side, this project doesn’t want to be an expression of a personal point of view, but is the attempt to create a discussion on the argument, inviting artists of different countries.

I really hope you’ll find it as interesting as I found it, and I also hope you’ll give us a positive response. All the stuff we had, will be part of the Angelo Ricciardi’s exibition, and for that occasion will be printed a catalogue too.

You’ll find all the necessary details reading the letter that Ricciardi wrote to explain better his project.

Thanks a lot, Francesco Annarumma

404 arte contemporanea
Via Ferrara 4, 80143 Napoli – Italy
Tel./fax +39-081-19579948


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