local task 2003 - net art | die verschwundene galerie

(October 2003, Graz)

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art under net conditions

1) Martin Krusche: "art line do not cross" / LINK
2) Die Karten / The picture-postcards
3) Auf Tour / On tour (some sites and scenes)
4) Josef Schuetzenhoefer: "Core: Kernstock liest Kronenzeitung" / LINK
5) Coco Grodon: "SuperSkyWoman" / LINK
+ Walpurga Ortag-Glanzer: "Honig / Honey" / LINK
+ Elisabeth List: "Die Kunstgeherin / The artwalker" / LINK
6) Tanja Ostojic + Martin Krusche: "Paparazzo [official bootleg]" / LINK
7) Vito Pace: "Das taegliche Geheimnis" / LINK

the narration continues:
the long distance howl: track / LINK

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