coco gordon

Coco Gordon
"Flag Yrstar Attitude art"

coco01.jpg (24275 Byte)

i checked the site:
that is an example of where a pc of mine would go??

[no! here it is:]

I did some window pieces in my past- one in 1985 at Galleria dell'Occhio on e 10th street run by a postal artist Carlo Pittore called "Seed Music" where I invited good earth & good seeds to plant in a wire piano with a cast of my body in hmpaper hanging over it as an icon for good luck energy & a grow-lamp to make green grow-- it did but also was sent objects to plant, real interesting stuff.

In 1986 I lived in the window of Soho Zat, on Canal Street called the windoİ peace curated by Susan Kleckner, for a year one woman each week did that piece to protest the Cruise missiles in NY harbor, I did three sessions of 33 hours each of dreaming in the window separated by superconscious times talking to everyone coming in, made chromosomes for music of gene splicing by dropping paper pulp from my sleeping height to the floor, will send you pics of those musics.

then in 1992 did this attached window piece for the Gulf War where i first continued my Banff “Tree Displacement View” working with appropriations patterns, it said in the window, "Where Life
and Proliferation meet
with immaculate
we appropriate your
and your star"

and I placed my flag with Iraqi seven-pointed stars in the window- we did a BBQ of 7-pointed Iraqi tofu stars for the opening - fun- thought I might be arrested- no one even noticed the change in the stars!!!! to this day do not notice the 7-pointed stars in my flags on appropriation!!

a third window was the Composting with red worms pc i sent you already as a page for Wandering library book- it was a big deal on my block for the neighbors- three months going down each day to feed the worms with my food scraps & talking to neighbors about composting -- did a fine pc with a painting of myself & real carrots floating all over my hair getting shriveled like ginseng with age, & a flub-flub spinning hands machine on a timer set-up on a blood centrifuge left by my Dad to me, with rubber gloves filled with skin-tone paper pulp flubbing around so they looked fleshy as they turned!!

& I-logged it in a diary, took fotos of the hmpaper flag I had placed in the box, flag made with color from food to not poison the worms, happily eaten up by the worms, many of the 7-pointed Iraqui stars were eaten out of the flag & Christine Jones gave the work a framing & exhibited it in her Heimat Flaggen show back then-

Till next/
Coco Go

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